Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Who do you feel was more jealous in the first act; Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Why?
How did jealousy play a part in the first act?


Julie said...

I think Macbeth is fairly jealous of the fact that Duncan is King of Scotland. And his jealousy increases when the witches tell Macbeth that eventually he'll be the next king. Macbeth's jealousy escalates rapidly when he discovers that Duncan says Malcolm will be the next king.
Lady Macbeth goes off of Macbeth's jealousy and wants to get rid of Duncan.

HannaM said...

Lady Macbeth holds the most jealousy in the first act, but it is initiated by Macbeth's hunger for power. As Lady Macbeth realizes the power she could hold, she devises an evil plan to gain this power. Her ambiton is corrupted as she goes to great extents in order to gain power - even to the point of murder. Jealousy plays a large part in act one because it initiates all the violence and hunger for power that comes in the following acts.

Hanneg said...

I think maybe secretly Banque is jealous of Macbeth because he gets the profecy that he gets to be king and Banque only gets to have kids that are kings. Secretly i think thats whats going on. lol

JennieO said...

I think that Lady Macbeth is the most jealous. She was jealous of King Duncan's power and she wanted it for herself. Even after the king's death Lady Macbeth could still be kind of jealous because Macbeth is now king and is getting more and more attention, while she is not getting as much. Jealousy plays a big part in the first act because, as I already mentioned, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth went through with the murder because they were jealous of the king's power.

Lanie H said...

I think Macbeth. This is shown more in the movie because you can see the character's reactions, but Macbeth is pretty jealous that Malcolm gets to be next in line of the throne of Scotland, even though he was just named the thane of Cawdor. I think previous to the witches' prediction, Macbeth was just fine and dandy with his posistion in life, but since the thane of cawdor thing happened shortly after the witches predicted it, macbeth assumed gaining the crown would be just as quick and easy.

Grace F. said...

I think that Lady Macbeth is more jealous in the first act because Duncan is the king of Scotland. She's jealous of all the power he holds and I think all of her jealousy begins to take a toll on her when she advises the plan of killing Duncan.

MackenzieH said...

It was definitely Lady Macbeth. It seemed like she wanted everything that she didn't have and would put her husband and herself at risk to get it. Jealousy is what drove her to persuade her husband to commit murder.

victoriah said...

I think that Macbeth is definetly more jealous in the first act because he wants to be king and he believes that the first step to get there is king and he is mad when the other man is appointed and not him. So Macbeth is the jealous type which is evident throughout the play.

ChrissyW said...

I think the most jealous would have to be Lady Macbeth, yet Macbeth is jealous as well. The fact that Lady Macbeth gives her husband the idea of killing Duncan makes her want to be a queen way more than Macbeth wants to be King. In the first act, like I said Macbeth and Lady Macbeth murdered Duncan since he became the king and Macbeth didn't.

Alison B said...

In the first act, I think that Macbeth definitely is jealous of Duncan because he is king. Lady Macbeth then pushed Macbeth further to secure a higher political role.

ArielxoMacbeth said...

i believe lady Macbeth held almost all the jealousy in the first act and and most in the third but as time moved on the hunger for power corrupted both. with each new hurdle that got in their way with that power the more viscous and less conscious about wrong they both got.