Friday, November 28, 2008

Jealousy quote

Jealousy and love are sisters. ~Russian Proverb
In your opinion is this quote true? Why or why not?

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed~ Mahatma Gandhi
I think this quote accurately describes what happened in the play. Macbeth had greed that could not be fulfilled for him. Any other thoughts?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Journals for acts 4 and 5

Act 4- Lady Macbeth
Act IV scene I- Macbeth has been acting very anxious lately. I don't quite understand him. His greed is forcing him to kill more and more people.

Act IV scene II- Macbeth is out of control. He has killed an innocent woman and her children because of his selfishness and jealousy. I am already drowning in my own guilt, i cant imagine how he is feeling.

Act IV scene III- That poor man Macduff, having to hear that his family had been killed. The possibility of our castle being attacked though is making Macbeth crazy. He is so desperate to hold the crown that he will do almost anything.

Act V:
Act V scene I- My guilt is taking over me. I can never wash the blood off my hands. Macbeth is worried about me because of my sleepwalking. Even the doctors say they cant help me.

Act V scene II- The English army is quickly approaching. Macbeth is fortifying the castle with so many weapons to defend it.

Act V scene III- The English are on their way. Macbeth is preparing to fight by putting on his armor. I am so sick of all of the fighting and death. The doctor told my husband of my mental problems but he doesn't seem to understand. These things cant be fixed with medication...

Act V scene IV- There are plans happening amongst the English for their ambush of our castle. There is a stand of trees advancing toward the castle that I didn't notice before.

Act V scene V- My guilt is too much for me to handle. The blood will not leave my hands no matter how many times I wash them. I know it will hurt Macbeth but it is time for me to go. I am surprised at how little Macbeth was fazed by my death.

Act V scene VI- The fighting has now begun. I don't know how Macbeth will hold up but I'm sure things are going to get interesting.

Act V scene VII- Macbeth is so condfident by the words of the witches. He doesn't realize that he is not invincible.

Act V scene VIII- Macduff has searched out Macbeth. He wants to get him back for what he did to his family. I cant say I blame him though. Macbeth was murdered and now the crown has been passed on. Now the corruption will hopefully have a chance to stop.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

For group-

If you were a cop, what circumstances don't seem to add up concerning Duncan's murder?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Who do you feel was more jealous in the first act; Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Why?
How did jealousy play a part in the first act?